Proud to share my friend, Dave Jensen’s, fantastic book—Wisdom’s Way to Happiness.

It’s a quick read that will leave you absolutely inspired.

You can get it from Amazon.

From Dave:
The world is messed up. Autocracies are on the rise as democracies stumble. Nations are increasingly polarized as politicians seduce the populace with their us versus them blame game. So what’s a smart and caring person (that would be you) to do? I invite you to consider three simple ideas. First, recognize that being smart is not the same as being wise. While smart is associated with having facts, wisdom is the integration of facts with experience to make quality decisions. Second, those who seek wisdom improve their decision-making and overall happiness. Finally, consider my book, Wisdom’s Way to Happiness Today, an invitation for you to make the world a better place by becoming a wiser person.


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