The Bay Area is home to all kinds of wonderful places and experiences. One is San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park, a beautiful swath of nature and unique views. While most tourists take their photos and leave, or even locals who want a quiet hike or picnic may, there is another unique sight to see in this park… Since 1892, Golden Gate Park has been home to a group of American Bison, but why haven’t you heard about them?

Before the San Francisco Zoo’s opening in the 1930s, a menagerie of animals was kept and cared for in the Golden Gate Park, such as sheep, elk, deer, and even black bears. The original mission of Golden Gate Park was to preserve the rich natural beauty of the American West. The American Bison was iconic but became nearly extinct as the country expanded. In making the park, it behooved developers to maintain the wildlife. Of the 1,000 remaining bison, several dozen were donated and protected within the park grounds.

Due to conservation efforts such as these, today’s bison population is now in the hundreds of thousands. While the herd in Golden Gate Park is only home to five bison, they are a wonderful surprise for everyone. Despite their large and slow appearance, these bison can run up to 30 mph and jump up to six feet in the air. While they can do these amazing things, these bison are well taken care of and protected in a paddock, so there is nothing to worry about.

If you want to see these bison, the park is open every day from 5 AM to midnight. You can even watch these beautiful bison sleeping if you’re lucky! The paddock is located at 1237 John F Kennedy Drive in San Francisco. Plan your next adventure to Golden Gate Park and say hello to the Bay Area’s bison herd.