As we gather with friends, family and loved ones during these holidays it’s important to remember that not everyone is as lucky as us. All it takes is a few hours and some smiles to make a difference to so many people. Consider working at a food bank, donating non-perishable goods, or working with your community, giving back to your local community. 

San Carlos’ Second Harvest of Silicon Valley offers opportunities to support families in San Carlos’ community as well as other families all over the Bay Area. Recently, they have closed their food donation program, but are always welcoming volunteers, cash donations and many more opportunities that can fit anyone’s schedule. Always looking for help and support, Second Harvest of Silicon Valley is a perfect opportunity to give back to your community this year, and outside of the holiday season. 

Half Moon Bay’s Healthy Harvest Food Bank can also use your help, with volunteers helping wrap presents for families in need, sorting and packaging food items, and opportunities working at local farms that HHFB sources from. If you are unable to volunteer time, big and small donations go a long way to buying meals for families and children in need. Whatever you can manage, HHFB appreciates and is grateful for your help and support in keeping families warm and fed this winter. 

Daly City’s North Peninsula Food Pantry & Dining Center accepts volunteers willing to help prepare and serve food, three meals a week. Despite being a small group working to help individuals in need, they need all of the volunteer help that they can get to remain open and able to help. Delivering hot meals and food supplies to those in need, small programs like these are in the most need of help from community members willing to donate a bit of their time to help make a difference. 

Burlingame’s CALL Primrose has been helping families for over 30 years using the help of locals like yourself. Working with local farms and using community support, CALL Primrose is able to help schools, families and individuals in need. Whether you would like to volunteer time to shop or sort, anything is appreciated to keep communities in need fed and supported. For any individuals unable to donate their time to help, CALL Primrose also greatly appreciates monetary donations however large or small help them to continue their mission. 

However big or small your donation of time or money is, anything you do will make a difference. Remember, there are people out there that are not able to celebrate their holidays with Christmas trees and feasts. Give what you can to your community this holiday season and spread the holiday spirit and cheer across the bay, and make someone’s day with just a little bit of help or even just a smile.

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