Celebrated in more countries than any other national holiday, St. Patrick’s is one of the most popular national holidays. Historically, the holiday was honored with a feast and parades as the restrictions of lent were lifted to celebrate. Everyone wears green to celebrate Ireland, commonly nicknamed the “Emerald Isle.” Saint Patrick was also said to have used the shamrock to explain the holy trinity. Hence shamrocks and green are used as the holiday colors and decorations.
Saint Patrick himself was a priest from Britain in the 6th century who traveled to Ireland to convert the pagan Irish people into Christians. Slowly Ireland became home to a robust Christian, and catholic population and citizens considered him the most influential saint of Ireland. Tradition states that he died on March 17th, and the people celebrated this day for bringing Christianity to Ireland.
The holiday runs worldwide, and today more people celebrate St. Patrick’s day in other countries than in Ireland. As the Irish people and culture began to spread in the 19th and 20th centuries, parades, festivals, and Irish music spread with the people. Today most people know St. Patrick’s day was a day of overindulgence in the United States, straying far from the traditions the Irish intended to celebrate the great saint. As you raise your glasses today, thank Saint Patrick, who brought Christianity to Ireland.
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