Just a mile off of 280 Huddart Park is a hidden gem amongst San Mateo County Parks.

About Huddart Park

Huddart Park affords over 900 acres of coastal mountain environment for a variety of activities. Many miles of trails afford even the experienced hiker many hours of pleasure. The grassy meadow just below the Werder Shelter has long been a favorite of park visitors. Its five acres of gently sloping grassy meadow is a popular location to just drive to, park, and spread out for a relaxing picnic.

Drop-in family picnic areas are located in the park, as well as an archery range (maintained by King’s Mountain Archery Club in partnership with San Mateo County Parks). More information

There is an admission fee of $6 per vehicle. Or, it’s free if you have a San Mateo County Annual Park Pass, which is $60.

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