In real estate, reports abound. But, all reports are not created equally. Take time to find the source of data and how it is interpreted. Just because a claim is made in a report does not mean that it is accurate. It may not be completely untrue, but could skew reality a bit. This matters because it impacts both buyers and sellers. Buyers pricing too high and sellers looking elsewhere.
Austin Walsh’s article “San Carlos home of most competitive market?” in the Daily Journal provides an example of this. It covers a report claimed that a neighborhood in San Carlos is the most difficult for buyers.
The report was disputed by a realtor who specializes in the featured neighborhood. He dug into the source material that the report was based on and said, “It is really fuzzy data.”
While this report highlighted a specific neighborhood, it reminds us of the importance of understanding sources—especially when considering buying or selling real estate. Whether it’s a report about market trends or an inspection, remember to take time to read carefully, ask questions, and seek input from trusted experts.
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