As we move into August, the hottest part of the year is quickly approaching. Much like ourselves, plants need to drink lots of water and take time to cool off to endure the heat. The key to summer gardening is ensuring they receive plenty of hydration and heat resistance so that nothing gets scorched. Here are a few tips to ensure your garden thrives into the fall harvest. 

A common mistake is watering your plants several times a day so that they have enough water. Watering too late in the day can have serious consequences. While it is true that the plants get more thirsty during the summer, it is essential to water at the right time of day. Morning is the perfect time for watering plants as it is the coolest part of the day. This gives them time to drink and dry off before peak heat reaches the moisture. Watering late in the morning or afternoon causes any water in the soil to heat up and boil the plant’s roots. For plants that require watering multiple times a day, the evening and early morning are the perfect time for watering. 

Hydration is vital for growing happy plants, but remember to keep them cool so they aren’t overheating. Finding ways to keep gardens cool ensures plants receive enough sunshine but not too much heat. Mulching your garden is a quick and easy way to beat the heat. Mulching can prevent scorched soil and promote root hydration. Mulch acts as a protective layer from the heat, keeping the water in the soil from getting too hot and damaging plants. Weeds also have a harder time growing in mulch, giving you more time to tend to the garden and ensuring plants aren’t having their water stolen. 

Watching for dead limbs and weeds ensures that hard work keeps plants healthy. Taking care of your garden is hard work, but plants will reward you with their beauty and vibrancy.

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